On October 20 and 21, 2020, the traditional Google event dedicated to geospatial technologies – Geo for Good – took place online. Participation was free, but had to go through a selection process. Fortunately for me, at the end of August I received a confirmation by mail that I was approved to join!
Why is participation in such events so important?
- because that’s how we see the best of modern technology
- because we synchronize our knowledge – we get ideas and we inspire each other
- because we meet people with similar professions that we can work with in the future
- because we become part of a great community
One continuous idea that was felt in all presentations was the online work and online training. After the first major closure of the world in the spring of 2020, there is hardly anyone who can dispute the need to use digital tools at work. During the event, the latest solutions and tools were presented in Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Earth Studio, Earth Engine. For many of them we will make trainings and presentations in the coming months so that more people can take advantage of them and the amenities they offer.